February 14, 2010

February 9, 2010

9 Month Check-up

Averi had her 9 month check-up a few days early. Unfortunately, Averi's daycare called me yesterday with suspicions that Averi had pink eye. We were able to get in to see the doctor and sure enough, Averi not only has pink eye, but also has two ear infections. Despite the infections, she is doing well. She is curently 24 lbs, 8 oz (>97%) and 28 1/2 inches (80%) tall. They also stuck her finger to check for anemia (results were normal). Some of her new skills include waving bye, getting back down to the floor from standing, and cruising the furniture and other objects for short distances. She loves banging on her diaper boxes! I think they are the perfect height for her.

February 5, 2010

On two feet!

Averi is now crawling all over the house and pulling up on the furniture, including standing in her crib. She is practicing getting back down to the floor, but has not mastered it gracefully yet. We are looking forward to getting out of these winter months, so we can get outside to play. I think Averi misses the outdoors, because she likes to stand by the back window and look out.