June 12, 2011

Beginning of Summer

Summer is here, and it will be a busy one! Averi has started her new school two days a week. She LOVES it and is doing great, which is a big relief! The other days she is home with mom. She posed for a few pictures over the weekend when G2 came to visit. We may have seen the end of her camera shyness!

Being like Daddy!

She looks so grown up!

Mommy's girl!

Marcie Beat Cancer Party!

One of our dearest friends, Marcie, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last fall. She is now cancer free after undergoing surgery and treatment! She and her family held a party over Memorial weekend to celebrate beating cancer!

Averi and Brayden (Craig and Marcie's son) are playing together in the sandbox during the party. They also enjoyed the bounce house and water activities. It was a great way to celebrate life's many blessings.