August 29, 2010

1st Haircut

I took Averi to get her first haircut by the same person who gave me mine! Averi did such a great job, like she had done it a hundred times. I was able to get a little bit of her hair as a keepsake. She got her bangs trimmed to get them out of her eyes and just a little taken off the back to straighten it out. We think she looks adorable! Here are a few pictures from the event and then an after shot of her posing with her moose Keith brought her back from Alaska.

August 27, 2010


Averi is almost always a messy eater. I can't remember what he had for dinner this night, but whatever it was Averi put it in her hair and it was sticky! Keith decided to turn it into a mohawk.

August 16, 2010

New Buddies

We were so excited our friend Becky and her son came to spend a few days with us. What a weekend it was! Keeping up with two toddlers is quite a task, even for two moms!!

By the end of the weekend, they were good buddies. They followed each other around the house, not leaving each other's sight.

It was funny to watch them interact. Averi took more of a supervisory role, while Carson was the doer!

August 12, 2010

Amazing potential!

Here are some of Averi's latest art works. Her daycare sends tons of crafts home to us. It is obvious for most of them that Averi does not do much of the work, but these are a couple of my favorites because I thought she may have played a role!
Other news: Our summer is coming to an end. Next week mom will be going back to work and Averi will be starting daycare full-time. This summer has been such a treat, because Averi and I have been able to spend a lot of time together. However, I think getting back to a regular schedule and routine will be good for everyone. Averi continues to grow by leaps and bounds, now 15 months old. New pictures will come soon!