December 20, 2012

'Pleasure' on the 'Pier'

Poo-paw and G2 went with us to Pleasure Pier!  This was Averi first experience with "amusement" rides if you can call them that!  None the less, we had a great time!  
Averi and G2 took some turns in the teacups!

What a pair!  Averi got a kitty face painting!

Already putting momma in the back seat!  

September 14, 2012

From Manatee to Seahorse

Averi finished her first session of swim lessons.  She completed the "Manatee" class and has been promoted to "Seahorse"!  The first few classes were rough for everyone, but since she has learned a lot and enjoys it once she is there!  That's a good thing, because we have a few sessions left before she is a "Penguin"!

Averi is kicking across the pool while floating on barbells.
Here is Averi gliding under water!
Averi's certificate!

August 16, 2012

Blooming Relationship!

Amy and Ashlyn came south to visit family!  We were able to spend the weekend together.  Averi was much more interested in Ashlyn during this visit and even wanted to help do things for her, like give her a pacifier!  
 Averi and Ashlyn both enjoyed the kiddie pool!  Who am I kidding?  We all enjoyed the kiddie pool!

Averi WANTED to hold Ashlyn during this visit!  SOOOOOO cute!  They will have so much fun together!

August 6, 2012

Matagorda with the Moehnke's

Averi and I spent several days with the Moehnke's in Matagorda earlier this summer!  We spent the days at the beach and pool.  Thank you to the Moehnke's for inviting us to join them!

Marcie painted Averi's toe nails for the first time (without Daddy's permission)!  Averi loved having her toes painted and showed them to everyone she saw when we were back at home.

We spent each morning on the beach before it got too hot!  Averi wasn't very interested in the water this time but enjoyed playing in the sand.

Brayden and Averi rode in the wagon to get to the pool in the afternoons.  Other guests thought they were brother and sister....they look like they could be!

June 20, 2012

Birthday Celebration

We had Averi's 3rd birthday party at the house.  Averi wanted a Snow White party theme!

 We got Averi a Snow White dress to wear for her party; however, she only had it on for a few minutes!  At least I got a cute picture!

 We rented a castle bouncy house for the kids to play continues to be one of Averi's favorite things to do!

Averi's blowing out her candles on her "apple" cupcakes!

June 2, 2012

Shared a Special Day!

Averi's birthday this year fell on Mother's Day!  What a blessing to celebrate these events together knowing that her birthday gave me one of God's greatest gifts....motherhood!  To celebrate, we got tickets to see the Sugar Land Skeeters!  

We had great seats behind home plate about five rows up.  Poo-paw got to come too!  Here we are sitting in the bleachers.  It was Averi's first professional baseball game.  She loved it!  She clapped for the players, danced to the music, and watched almost 9 innings of baseball!

Here's Averi showing off her souvenir!  

May 28, 2012

Welcome, Ashlyn!

We went to Chicago to see Ashlyn Marie!  She was born on March 17th. Welcome to the family, Ashlyn!

 Keith and I were honored to be Ashlyn's sponsors for her baptism. 
 Averi was excited about the trip to meet her new cousin.  However, it took some time before she really wanted to interact with Ashlyn.  Here they are holding hands!  Averi did eventually hold her, but it was not a pretty picture!
Group photo of my girls!  Averi loved Ashlyn's crown!

May 11, 2012

Fun on the Boardwalk

Poo-paw and G2 went with us to Kemah.  This was Averi's first visit!  We spent the morning riding rides and then had a nice lunch.  Averi did not want to leave!

Mother like daughter....lets hope not!

Averi picked G2 to ride the airplane.  It was priceless watching G2 climb into that thing!!

Averi was hesitant about the stingray at first but enjoyed watching them through the glass window. 

April 15, 2012

Hoppy Easter!

Our Easter weekend was full of activities! We were blessed to spend time with lots of family over the holiday weekend.

Averi enjoyed walking the beach with her Dad picking up sea shells!

At the beach house, Averi played with bubbles with Grandma Monk and her cousins.

All the kids flew kites together. Keith got it going then Averi held on for a minute or two!

After going to church on Easter Sunday with Grandma Monk and Gramps, we went out for breakfast. They had a table set up for kids to decorate and dye eggs. Averi's has her name on it and she choose yellow!

April 1, 2012

Favorite Hobby!

Averi's favorite activity right now is going to the "bouncy house" place! We have been making weekly visits, and each time she gets a little braver! She climbs up the tall ladders and bear crawls through the tunnels! She has a blast and what a good way to get out all that energy!

This is the one for the smaller kids, but she wanted a picture with the alligator.

Averi is putting on her "tough" face as she poses for the camera!

March 12, 2012

A Love for Bugs!

We went to the Rainforest at Moody Gardens during Christmas break. Averi still talks about the butterfly landing on her finger! At her school last week, they had "Bugs on Wheels" which travels from the Museum of Natural Science bringing all kinds of bugs, spiders, and insects. Her teacher said she wanted to hold and pet them all!

February 25, 2012

Look At Me!

Averi is posing in her new boots and dress she got from Aunt Amy!
P.S. I haven't been good about taking pictures lately, so I have not had much to share. I'll try harder!

January 1, 2012

Shrek the Halls

We took a family vacation to Gaylord Hotel in Grapevine, Texas. They hosted their annual Christmas event, and this year the theme was Dreamwork movies, including Shrek, Madagascar, and Puss in Boots. The hotel and decorations were amazing with thousands of lights, life-size gingerbread house, reindeer carved from tree limbs, and huge Christmas trees! However, the place was packed! We experienced a lot while we were there but cut our trip short to save our sanity!

We got to spend some time with friends of ours that live nearby. Averi enjoyed decorating gingerbread men with Carson. I think she ate more than she decorated!

We had breakfast with Shrek one morning, including an ogre feast with a green dipping fountain. Averi dipped her own fruit and marshmallows. She also got ogre ears after saying the ogre oath to be ogre for a day!

Averi posed by the pink tree and life-size gingerbread house.

Princess Fiona was by far Averi's favorite character! She would not take pictures with the other characters.