May 30, 2010

Starting summer off with a bang!

We spent one afternoon swimming over at Aunt Joan & Uncle Curtis' place! Averi seemed to find the pool relaxing and spent most of the time floating in this turtle!

Poo-paw took Averi for her 1st boat ride! She liked her hair
blowing in the wind while we sped across the open waters!

We had to get Averi's picture with "Rufus". I think she thought he was a real boy. He is a statue that sits on the pier at Poo-paw's place.

Our intent was to feed the single duck that was swimming by the pier, but instead the seagulls swooped down and stole the bread! They were swarming us!

May 19, 2010

A New Do

Averi is now in the 1-year old class at daycare. I picked her up the other day to find her with a new hair do! Too adorable not to share!

1st Birthday Party

Our baby girl is one! We celebrated her first birthday at the house with family and close friends. Averi had such a great time and seemed to know it was her special day! Mommy made one mistake....getting a cake with red icing! Lesson learned. As you can tell, she enjoyed the cake.

May 8, 2010

One year photos

I took Averi to get her picture taken for her first birthday. It took two sessions, but we got some good snapshots! Here are a couple of them. Can you believe how fast she is growing?!