December 20, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Nanny invited us to "Breakfast with Santa" which took place at the hospital where she volunteers. Breakfast was great with a variety of choices. Then the kids could sit on Santa's lap for a picture. Averi did not want to visit with Santa, but she had a good time with Nanny and her cousins.

Gingerbread people were also available for the kids to decorate. Averi spread on the icing and then licked it off!

Thanks Nanny for inviting us to have breakfast with you (and Santa)!

November 13, 2011

Froberg's Farm

Averi and I went to Froberg's Farm on Saturday for Averi's 1st hayride! If you have not been there, you should stop by. Averi enjoyed the hay ride and other small attractions. We also shopped in the market for a few unique fruits. Averi also picked out carrot chips and a bag of gummy worms!

It was not crowded at all! They gave us samples of fruit for the ride, along with a scavenger hunt page of things for us to find while on the ride.

Averi said "Yee-Haw"! If you can't tell, it is an armadillo!

November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween from Toy Story!

I asked Averi several times what she wanted to be for Halloween this year. Each time, she told me "Jessie"! I think it was because one of her best buddies was going to be Buzz Lightyear! We went trick-or-treating to a few of our neighbors' houses. The kids figured out real fast they had to do very little to get LOTS of candy! Averi's favorite was the dum-dum lollipops. Luckily, we gave Averi a very small trick-or-treat bag!

Averi and Ryan posing for the camera (lollipop already in hand)!

Quite a pair!

September 24, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

I know these pictures are a little late, but what is that saying, "Better late than never"! We spent Labor Day weekend with the G2, Poo-paw, and the Wegman's! We went to the zoo, park, and pool. Everyone had a great time!

Hunter, Averi, and Mom holding hands in the park. The kids were so cute! Averi seemed to enjoy being the oldest. She tried disciplining Hunter a few times!

Averi loves money bars! She has not mastered them yet, but loves to try.

July 29, 2011

Illinois Family

Our last summer trip was to Illinois to see family. We spent time in the small town where Keith grew up and then went to the city. Thanks to everyone for EVERYTHING. We had a great time!

Lucky for us, our cousin is the fire chief so we rode around town on a fire truck then went to the fire house to see lots of other equipment. This made a huge impression on Averi....thanks Jeff for the special event!

On the farm, we had a great dinner with all the family. Averi got to shuck corn (remove the husk for those of you who are like me and have never done it!).

Back in the city, Aunt Amy took us to a small zoo that was great for Averi. She got to see lots of animals close up.

Uncle Thurman sneaking in a hug during nap time!

July 21, 2011

Salt in the Air

Averi's first trip to the beach was a successful one! Of course, we had great company to share it with. The Moehnke's, Sarah, Jonathan, and us drove to the beach during a down pour of rain! However, we could not have asked for a better setting. The rain stopped and left the morning with a little cooler temperatures!

Averi helped make sand castles only to stomp on them!

First family photo at the beach. I'm sure there will be many more to come!

Daddy and Averi walking back from the water. Averi was hesitant at first but then kept saying farther, farther while in our arms. She stood one time in very shallow water, but that ended as soon as the wave hit her!

July 13, 2011

We are Family!

Averi and Mom headed west to spend time with the Wegman's and to meet Averi's newest cousin, Foster.

Averi and Hunter spent the afternoons in the pool. Just look at that smile!

We also went to the local science exhibit. Here are Averi and Hunter playing with Uncle Drew.

The newest member of our family-Foster! What a cutie!

July 5, 2011

July 4th Events

Averi and Mom spent the holiday weekend at G2's place while Keith was working at the ranch. We had a busy weekend, including Sea World and visiting Nana and Popi!

Us by the shark tanks! Averi loved the aquariums.

Averi wanted to "ride the horsey"! She was a little fearful at times but in the end enjoyed it.

Sea World had a Sesame Street show, which was one of the main reasons we took Averi. She loves Elmo and Abby. Her face was priceless when Elmo and the others walked out on the stage. She sang and danced to all the songs; it was AWESOME! G2 got Averi some Abby souvenirs....thanks G2!

Averi chillin' with Nana in the swing!

Of course, it was hot and there was no wind, so Averi played the wind chimes herself!

June 12, 2011

Beginning of Summer

Summer is here, and it will be a busy one! Averi has started her new school two days a week. She LOVES it and is doing great, which is a big relief! The other days she is home with mom. She posed for a few pictures over the weekend when G2 came to visit. We may have seen the end of her camera shyness!

Being like Daddy!

She looks so grown up!

Mommy's girl!

Marcie Beat Cancer Party!

One of our dearest friends, Marcie, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last fall. She is now cancer free after undergoing surgery and treatment! She and her family held a party over Memorial weekend to celebrate beating cancer!

Averi and Brayden (Craig and Marcie's son) are playing together in the sandbox during the party. They also enjoyed the bounce house and water activities. It was a great way to celebrate life's many blessings.

May 20, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Averi is TWO! She had a healthy two-year check up weighing in at 30 lbs, 4 oz (86%) and 2 ft, 11.25 inches (87%) tall. It is amazing to watch her grow into a young girl!

Averi had wonderful family and friends gather for her 2nd birthday. We had pink cupcakes with white polka dots on them for our "Minnie" celebration. She needed a little help blowing out the candles!

Averi loves her Minnie Mouse balloon. She gives it hugs everyday!

April 30, 2011

Easter Camping

We went "camping" this Easter at Oak Thicket Park with the Ross Family. I put camping in quotes because we stayed in a great cabin with A/C, a restroom, and satellite TV! We did spend lots of time outdoors though....Averi would not have had it any other way! She had a blast exploring the new scenery.

Averi hunted for Easter eggs. After being pointed in the right direction, she did a great job locating them!

As I mentioned before, Averi is hard to photograph these days. Here she is putting the lens cap back on the camera as her picture is being taken.

Here is a family photo! Keep in mind we have been in the woods for two days!

April 20, 2011

Beautiful bluebonnets!

Averi and I went out to a bluebonnet field a few weeks ago hoping for some good pictures. Averi has not been cooperating when we try to take her picture, because she just wants to see the screen or play with the camera! We have lots of activities planned for the upcoming weeks and months, so I will get everyone more pictures soon.

March 9, 2011

Day at the Zoo

Poo-paw and G2 went to the zoo with us. Here is our group shot, but Keith was taking the picture.

Poo-paw had the honor of pulling Averi around most of the time! She did well staying in her wagon in between animal exhibits. Averi's favorites seemed to be the elephants and monkeys.

After seeing all the animals, we had lunch at the cafe. Averi wanted to sit with Poo-paw to eat. Then G2 took Averi to the gift shop where Averi picked out a stuffed elephant.

January 14, 2011

Merry Christmas

I know it is a little late, but Merry Christmas! Here are a few pictures from over the holiday.

On Christmas Eve, we went over to Uncle Bobby and Aunt Ann's house to share a special evening with family. Here is Averi dancing to Billy Joel (I think?)!

Uncle Thurman and Aunt Amy came down from Chicago to celebrate Christmas. Uncle Thurman taught Averi how to do "knuckles"!

Averi was very excited to open gifts this year. It took us a long time because each gift she got she wanted to play with right away! Averi got this activity table and tea set. She makes tea, including the cream and sugar, for all her dolls!

One evening, Averi literally fell asleep eating dinner! She will just go and go until there is nothing left!