June 20, 2012

Birthday Celebration

We had Averi's 3rd birthday party at the house.  Averi wanted a Snow White party theme!

 We got Averi a Snow White dress to wear for her party; however, she only had it on for a few minutes!  At least I got a cute picture!

 We rented a castle bouncy house for the kids to play in....it continues to be one of Averi's favorite things to do!

Averi's blowing out her candles on her "apple" cupcakes!

June 2, 2012

Shared a Special Day!

Averi's birthday this year fell on Mother's Day!  What a blessing to celebrate these events together knowing that her birthday gave me one of God's greatest gifts....motherhood!  To celebrate, we got tickets to see the Sugar Land Skeeters!  

We had great seats behind home plate about five rows up.  Poo-paw got to come too!  Here we are sitting in the bleachers.  It was Averi's first professional baseball game.  She loved it!  She clapped for the players, danced to the music, and watched almost 9 innings of baseball!

Here's Averi showing off her souvenir!