November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent our Thanksgiving at Aunt Britt, Uncle Drew, and Cousin Hunter's house. Poo-paw and G2 were also there. Averi did great on the plane, making lots of new friends and mastering opening and closing the airplane windows. Averi had a blast playing with Hunter and his dog, Cooper. She is changing so fast. She is saying more words and is very affectionate!

Sisters and their little ones!

Averi feeding herself yogurt! Always messy but independent!

Keith and Averi out in the cold. Averi liked wearing her John Deere cap and mittens.

Averi liked Hunter's chair. She sat in it to watch cartoons and eat cereal in the morning.

November 22, 2010

18 Month Check Up

Averi had her 18 month check up last week. Can you believe she is one and a half! Her appointment went well. Here are her measurements:
Weight: 29lbs 13 oz (97%)
Height: 34 1/4 in. (98%)
Pictures to come!

November 12, 2010


We had a Trunk-or-Treat at our church on Halloween. Averi was a princess, but did not wear her crown or carry her wand! She played this ring game and enjoyed watching everything going on (hay rides, train, and, of course, costumes).